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Theatre Illuminata: So Silver Bright (Series #3) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Theatre Illuminata: So Silver Bright (Series #3) (Paperback)
Product Description

Bertie thinks that to complete her quest to have a true family she need only reunite her father the Scrimshander with her mother Ophelia but complications arise and she is torn between her responsibilities and the dream of flying free just as she is torn between Nate and Ariel. All Beatrice Shakespeare Smith has ever wanted is a true family of her own. And she s close to reuniting her parents when her father disappears. Now Bertie must deal with a vengeful sea goddess and a mysterious queen as she tries to keep her family--and the Theatre Illuminata--from crumbling. To complicate it all Bertie is torn between her two loves Ariel and Nate.

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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