Product info
The Batman, presented in stunning 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray, is a bold reimagining of the iconic Dark Knight saga. Directed by Matt Reeves, this film dives into the early days of Bruce Wayne, portrayed by Robert Pattinson. As a traumatized billionaire, Wayne embraces his role as a costumed vigilante, facing a series of chilling murders targeting the city's officials. The elusive Riddler, played by Paul Dano, orchestrates these crimes, pushing Batman into a complex web of corruption and crime that threatens Gotham City.
Amid the unraveling chaos, Batman must navigate through the treacherous world of civic corruption and mob violence to uncover the identity of the Riddler and thwart his destructive plans. The film also features a talented supporting cast, including Jeffrey Wright, Andy Serkis, John Turturro, Zoe Kravitz, and Colin Farrell, who all contribute to a gripping storyline. With a runtime of 176 minutes, this visually striking film offers an immersive experience, complete with breathtaking cinematography and a powerful English soundtrack that pulls viewers deep into the gritty atmosphere of Gotham.
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