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Derman Antifungal Cream 0.88 oz

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Product Name
Derman Antifungal Cream 0.88 oz
Product Description

Derman Antifungal Cream is a powerful solution designed for the treatment of athlete's foot and other fungal skin conditions. This convenient 0.88 oz tube provides relief from irritating symptoms such as itching, scaling, cracking, and burning. When using Derman Antifungal Cream, first wash the affected area thoroughly and make sure it is completely dry. It's important to apply a thin layer of the cream over the affected area twice daily, once in the morning and once at night, or follow your doctor's directions for use.

For best results, pay special attention to the spaces between your toes, as these areas can trap moisture and allow fungus to thrive. To enhance the effectiveness of the treatment, it is recommended to wear well-fitting, ventilated shoes that allow your feet to breathe. Additionally, changing shoes and socks at least once daily helps keep your feet dry and reduces the risk of further infection. With consistent application and proper foot care, Derman Antifungal Cream can help restore the comfort and health of your feet.

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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