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Purina 3006237-206 Pre-Conditioning Complete 50 lbs. w/ RX3 Cattle Starter Feed

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Product Name
Purina 3006237-206 Pre-Conditioning Complete 50 lbs. w/ RX3 Cattle Starter Feed
Product Description

Specially formulated to provide optimal balance of nutrients required for starting calves to encourage intake health and weight gain Gets cattle eating quickly to restore nutrients and encourage calves just weaned off cow and/or stressed during transportation to begin to eat dry feed and recover from stresses Provides adequate roughage for starting cattle without additional forage Rapidly restores trace mineral levels to support immune system of nutritionally challenged and stressed cattle Additive options available to provide additional benefits including maintenance of weight gain and prevention and control of coccidiosis Ideal for light to moderate weight calves Comes in a 50 lb. cattle feed package Cattle feed is highly palatable and nutrient dense Please see your Purina representative for information on individual production options and availability

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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