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Good Ideas RW50 Rain Wizard 50gal Plastic Rain Barrel Water Collector Oak

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Product Name
Good Ideas RW50 Rain Wizard 50gal Plastic Rain Barrel Water Collector Oak
Product Description

Save on money resources and the environment by using this faux wood-looking 50-gallon Plastic Rain Barrel by Good Ideas to conserve water during the rainy season. Each rainwater collection barrel can be placed under a downspout when it rains. Features a brass outdoor water spigot for connection hoses or serves as an overflow spout. Each 50-gallon storage container for rainwater is durable against the weather and elements and also resists cracking and splitting due to UV damage. It also comes with a mesh screen made up of plastic that keeps out critters insects and debris from your precious collected rainwater. This water container can be connected to a rainwater-catching system that can collect gallons of rainwater using a connector kit that is sold separately. Be a certified nature water collector with this durable rain barrel to collect rainwater. Use the collected water to nourish your plants and your greenhouse during hot sunny days or use it to clean your chicken coops for 10 chickens or for a cold plunge tub for everyone who needs a refreshing dip or as emergency water during times of extreme circumstances. The possibilities are endless on what you can do to the rainwater that you have collected. Have a backup supply of water while not worrying about extra costs with this Good Ideas 50-gallon Plastic Rain Barrel your assigned rain catcher.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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