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Viper Bobcat Adjustable Soft Tip Darts Blue Rings 16-18 Grams

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Product Name
Viper Bobcat Adjustable Soft Tip Darts Blue Rings 16-18 Grams
Product Description

Experiment with new weights with the Viper Bobcat Adjustable Soft Tip Darts. These unique darts use an adjustable add-a-gram system so their weight can be adjusted between 16 17 or 18 grams. When playing without a weight on these darts will weigh 16 grams and use 1/4” dart tips (not included). Depending on the add-a-gram set you use the darts will weigh either 17 or 18 grams and use 2BA dart tips. This soft tip dart set comes with three fully assembled darts a dart wrench 6 add-a-grams three extra 2BA tips three flight protectors three nylon shafts three extra flights and a deluxe dart pal case that can hold everything included.

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Last updated
December 11, 2024

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