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Purina Busy Bone Mini Dog Treats 12 ct Pouch

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Product Name
Purina Busy Bone Mini Dog Treats 12 ct Pouch
Product Description

These Purina Busy Bone Mini Dog Treats (12-count pouch) are a delicious treat that dogs find irresistible. Each piece is created using real meat that appeals to your pet s primitive side and is a sure-fire way to get his attention. Each long-lasting dog treat features a hard exterior with a juicy meat-filled middle that will keep your pooch satisfied for hours at a time. They are an excellent way to dissuade small dogs or puppies from chewing on furniture shoes and other belongings and can also be used as an effective way to reinforce positive behavior traits.Busy Bone Dog Treats Mini With Real Meat 21-oz Pouch Pack of 12:

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Last updated
December 22, 2024

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