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My Daily Styles Plastic Mezuzah Case Waterproof Judaica Door Mezuza for House Blessing Light Gray Pattern (Size 10cm 12cm 15cm) (Large 15cm (6 ))

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Product Name
My Daily Styles Plastic Mezuzah Case Waterproof Judaica Door Mezuza for House Blessing Light Gray Pattern (Size 10cm 12cm 15cm) (Large 15cm (6 ))
Product Description

This Mezuzah is an excellent gift for the peaceful and tranquil home. This mezuzah has a beautifully made design and is a comforting item that is also quite attractive. It is a pleasure to have on the doorpost of your home or to give as a truly special Judaica gift. Baruch Ata Ad-onay E-loheinu Melech Ha-olam Asher Kiddeshanu Be-mitzvotav Vetzivanu Likboa Mezuzah. Blessed are You G-d Our G-d King of the universe who has sanctified us with his commandments and has commanded us to affix a mezuzah. The Jewish mitzvah to place a mezuzah on the doorpost of the home comes from Deut. 6:4-9 a well known passage commonly referred to as the Shema. In that passage G-d commands us to keep His words constantly in our minds and in our hearts by writing them on the doorposts of our home.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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