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Elvis Presley - On Stage: Legacy Edition - Music & Performance - CD

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Product Name
Elvis Presley - On Stage: Legacy Edition - Music & Performance - CD
Product Description

Back in 1970 On Stage was an important step in Elvis live album releases and his musical back-on-stage renaissance. Elvis showed that he could find great country-funk-rock songs like stunning versions of Tony Joe White s Polk Salad Annie John Fogerty s Proud Mary and Neil Diamond s Sweet Caroline while at the same time Elvis put his very soul on the line with an amazing Release Me and Let It Be Me. While the previous Elvis In Person marvelously captured the stunning dynamite of a resurrected Elvis In Person is basically an album of old rock-n-roll hits a stunning look-back with a slight look forward with Suspicious Minds and In The Ghetto . On both albums Elvis is accompanied by James Burton The Imperials and The Sweet Inspirations.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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