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Pre-Owned Coding for Kids for Dummies (Paperback) 1118940326 9781118940327

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Coding for Kids for Dummies (Paperback) 1118940326 9781118940327
Product Description

An easy-to-grasp introduction to coding concepts for kids Coding For Kids For Dummies breaks coding into a seriesof small projects each designed to teachelementary-to-middle-school-aged students a core concept to build agame application or other tool. In this his hands-on friendlyguide readers will get access to a leading coding tool that hasbeen designed specifically for kids showing them how to create theprojects provided in the book as well as how to implement them intotheir own creative work. Written by a teacher and leading advocate of coding education Coding For Kids For Dummies explains to kids in plainEnglish how to apply the math and logic skills they already have tothe subject of coding. In no time they ll be grasping basic codingconcepts completing their very own technical feats and armingthemselves with the computer science experience and know-how toprepare for a future working with technology. Lay-flat binding allows for easy access as students work onprojects Full-color large-print design make the information moreapproachable to kids Kids interested in computer science get a competitive edge The author has dedicated her career to enhancing coding andother STEM education in schools If you re a student who wants to learn coding a parent whowants to help your kid pursue an interest in coding or a teacherwho is in need of a supplemental course book for your computerscience class Coding For Kids For Dummies has youcovered.

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November 2, 2024

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