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Pre-Owned Barbie #1: Fashion Superstar (Paperback) 1629915874 9781629915876

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Barbie #1: Fashion Superstar (Paperback) 1629915874 9781629915876
Product Description

Barbie is facing the same problems every young person is facing today--figuring out how to choose a career, in an economic environment that is becoming increasingly difficult for anyone to find a job. But Barbie is nothing if not optimistic and determined. Her interest in clothes leads her to seek employment in the highly competitive world of fashion. But as what? A model? A designer? Or something she never even dreamed of? As Barbie pursues her dream, she meets a diverse bunch of all-new friends that can help her... and some that may actually try to end her fashion career before it even starts

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November 2, 2024

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