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Spicy Mix of Sprouting Seeds 2.5 Pounds — Sproutable Kosher Raw Vegan — by Food to Live

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Product Name
Spicy Mix of Sprouting Seeds 2.5 Pounds — Sproutable Kosher Raw Vegan — by Food to Live
Product Description

The consumption of our Spicy Mix of Sprouting Seeds which includes Alfalfa Radish and Broccoli increases a person’s energy. This mix is a matchless product rich in various elements vitamins and antioxidants. Recently sprouting seeds have had enormous popularity. The antioxidant activity of sprouting seeds is hundreds of times higher than in usual fruits and vegetables. These seeds are the key to a good and healthy life. They enrich the body with all the most valuable and useful substances. The sprouting seeds of Alfalfa provide unique health benefits. The content of vitamin C in them is 4 times higher than in citrus fruits. They also contain vitamins E K B6 beta-carotene and even vitamin U. Alfalfa seeds have an enormous amount of minerals and the highest level of calcium. They are an excellent source of chlorophyll and protein.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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