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Ortho-Bionomy : A Practical Manual (Paperback)

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Product Name
Ortho-Bionomy : A Practical Manual (Paperback)
Product Description

This is the first book on Ortho-Bionomy a bodywork technique which is quickly gaining popularity among laypeople and therapists from all bodywork disciplines. Kathy Kain gives clear descriptions of the philosophy and concepts of Ortho-Bionomy. The illustrations and easy to understand technical instructions show the standard releases taught in Ortho-Bionomy classes. The student is guided from the beginning of a session to the end in learning this gentle effective approach to somatic re-education. Ortho-Bionomy s primary benefit lies in helping people to break the cycle of pain by learning how to correct structural and somatic dysfunction and to release stress. This noninvasive quick acting approach is an effective preparation for mobilization movement and therapeutic exercise.

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February 17, 2025

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