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Poker Psychology Books: The Psychology of Poker (Paperback)

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Product Name
Poker Psychology Books: The Psychology of Poker (Paperback)
Product Description

Poker demands many skills and strategies. To be successful, you must be able to master all of them and then apply them at the appropriate times. They include proper hand selection, bluffing, semi-bluffing, understanding tells and telegraphs, and reading hands. These skills do not come easily since they require unnatural actions. You cannot win just by "doing what comes naturally," Dr. Schoonmaker is concerned "only with the way that psychological factors affect your own and your opponents' ability to play properly. For example, have you ever wondered why some players seem extremely aggressive while others are passive? Why some are tight and others loose? Furthermore, have you ever wondered why some tactics seem to come naturally to you while others don't? This text will answer many of these questions. It will explain why you and your opponents play the way you do. The author also suggests strategic adjustments that you should make to improve your results against different types of players, and he suggests personal adjustments that will help you to play better and enjoy the game more.

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Last updated
September 24, 2024

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