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Pre-Owned How They Started : How 30 Good Ideas Became Great Companies (Paperback) 9781780590745

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Product Name
Pre-Owned How They Started : How 30 Good Ideas Became Great Companies (Paperback) 9781780590745
Product Description

Lots of us have ideas we think would make great businesses. Most of us never do anything with those ideas. This book is about 30 people who acted on that initial idea made the first steps to start their business and subsequently went on to turn it into the household name it is today. Discover the fascinating stories of how famous brands started out with How They StartedLike New Condition: Used book that is in almost brand-new condition. ISBN: 9781780590745 ISBN10: 1780590741 Contributors: Tice Carol Lester David

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December 7, 2024

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