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The University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary/Diccionario Universidad de Chicago Ingles-Espanol (Paperback)

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Product Name
The University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary/Diccionario Universidad de Chicago Ingles-Espanol (Paperback)
Product Description

The new and updated edition of the USA TODAY bestseller and most popular Spanish dictionary provides easy reference for educators and language learners everywhere. Now in its Sixth Edition this national bestselling Spanish to English dictionary and go-to reference guide for educators everywhere quickly guides users to the right word in every situation. David Pharies has drawn from our current vernacular to make additions and improvements that will benefit students teachers home schoolers and travelers alike. It includes: * 6 000 new entries reflecting today s linguistic and cultural changes * Updated words and meanings including slang everyday expressions and essential terms from medicine business digital technology and sports * Expanded delimiters for more accurate word selection * Bilingual guides to grammar pronunciation parts of speech suffixes and regular and irregular verbs

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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