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Paper Punk Pup 1001 Paper Toy Dog

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Product Name
Paper Punk Pup 1001 Paper Toy Dog
Product Description

PUP001 | Build Your Own Paper Toy Dog is an all-inclusive kit that allows you to build an irresistible pup to call your own. Over 230 pieces are included to ensure you have everything you need to make a unique tabletop companion. Intuitive paper shapes that easily punch out allow you to fold your way to a fantastically creative experience. You?ll have so much fun making one you may end up with an entire litter of pups! With a few simple folds colorful 2-D flat shapes transform into bold 3-D geometric pieces to create spectacular looking paper toys and art forms. Three simple steps: FOLD . . . BUILD . . . CUSTOMIZE! No need for scissors or glue . . . everything you need is included. Paper Punk is a creativity tool that s as much an art form as it is a toy. ? Fold-to-play fun ? Good for your brain ? Customizable Collectible Recyclable ? No additional tools required ? For ages 6 - 99+ ? Art...craft...toy...creativity tool!

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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