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CareFree 3B Bird Feeder Bird Seed & Bird House Protector

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Product Name
CareFree 3B Bird Feeder Bird Seed & Bird House Protector
Product Description

Maintain your birding items easily using this CareFree 3B Bird Feeder Bird Seed and Bird House Protector. This non toxic enzymatic liquid easily removes dirt and organic particulates from your birding products minimizing germs and keeping your items clean. The product can be sprayed directly from the convenient bottle onto both the interior and exterior of your existing bird house at the end of the nesting season for eradicating dirt and other contaminants. Mix this cleaner with water and soak your bird feeders in the solution and rinse before refilling them. For even more versatility spray it directly onto bird seed to remove inanimate nutrients from it. Made from a base of plant enzymes and trace minerals the product is safe for use on most birding surfaces and the 16 ounce bottle is great for cleaning many items. Help your birding accessories remain clean and healthy with this 3B Bird Feeder Bird Seed and Bird House Protector. Made in the USA. Bottle Size: 16 oz.

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Last updated
November 29, 2024

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