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Envirosafe Technologies International Limited MCP-900xc Mega-Catch PRO 900 Series PREMIER XC Mosquito Trap

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Product Name
Envirosafe Technologies International Limited MCP-900xc Mega-Catch PRO 900 Series PREMIER XC Mosquito Trap
Product Description

The latest mosquito control technology at the touch of a button. The PREMIER XC or so-called transformer trap can attract mosquitoes and other biting insects from as far away as 120 feet. This state of the art machine employs a sophisticated infrared energy source combined with an integrated LED lighting display which produces light in the visible and invisible spectrum as oscillating frequencies known to attract most mosquito species. The XC can be further enhanced with the use of optional attractants; the Mega-Catch Octenol Fragrance Strips or the Mega-Catch 3000 (Combo Lure). An upgrade kit (sold separately) converts or transforms this trap to the top-of-the-line ULTRA specifications making it carbon dioxide (CO2) capable. Each Mega-Catch PRO 900 Series Premier XC Mosquito Trap comes with: 1 x MCP-900xc Mega-Catch Premier XC Mosquito Trap incorporating programmable timer 1 x Liquid Catch Container 1 x Standard Catch Bag 1 x External Skirt 1 x 110-240/12 Volt Weatherproof Transformer 1 x 60 foot low-voltage extension cord 1 x Stand (zinc plated/powder coated) 1 x Operation Manual.- SKU: ENVR016

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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