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Front Porch Classics Quadefy Strategy Game

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Product Name
Front Porch Classics Quadefy Strategy Game
Product Description

Quadefy is a fast playing new strategy game played in three dimensions. Easy to learn and quick to play Quadefy uses visual spatial skills and strategies that will keep you on your toes. When playing Quadefy you have to think a little bit strategist and a little bit puzzle builder. Players take turns stacking their game pieces on the base each attempting to keep their entire game piece in bounds. In bounds means that the piece must be completely over the game base and no more than four cubes high. The first player to force their opponent to have to play out of bounds wins. Every move is both offensive and defensive making Quadefy very fun to play. The rules have been drafted so that there is always a winner no ties stalemates or cat s games. Hand crafted from high quality hardwoods Quadefy is pretty enough to be left out on the coffee table or bookshelf to be played again and again.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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