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One Step Female Fertility Test Strips Peri Menopausal Menopause Testing Kit Urine FSH Test 5 Test Count

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One Step Female Fertility Test Strips Peri Menopausal Menopause Testing Kit Urine FSH Test 5 Test Count
Product Description

Female Fertility Test Peri menopause and Menopause Test As I am sure you are aware a woman s fertility starts to decline after she gets to 30 but what you probably did not know is that the hormone F.S.H. (follicle stimulating hormone) is intimately involved with a woman s fertility and rising levels tend to be associated with reduced fertility. F.S.H. is the hormone that maintains the regular function of your ovaries and sex hormones and is a useful aid to assessing your fertility. This test is especially useful for women with irregular cycles and women aged 30 or over. 5 tests are included and if all 5 test results are positive it is an indicator of reduced fertility. If you are over 40 then this test is also useful to determine if you are pre-menopausal. Any positive result should be discussed with your doctor. 5 Test Count 3 oz packed weight 6x9x0.75inch Female use only! SKU: FSH_STRIP_x5

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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