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A Common Man s View : A Fresh Perspective from Middle-Class America (Paperback)

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Product Name
A Common Man s View : A Fresh Perspective from Middle-Class America (Paperback)
Product Description

Republicans and Democrats continue to fight with each other but the truth is that neither side is really presenting Americans with solutions to their most pressing problems. One reason the so-called mainstream right and left can t understand the struggles of everyday people is that virtually all of them are far removed from regular life. A Common Man s View provides a fresh perspective from middle-class America in a bid to get the country back on the right track. Join a former US Marine Corps helicopter pilot who was deployed twice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as he focuses on what being a hero means; where to find modern-day heroes; what is at stake in the War on Terror; what faith attitude and a little bit of perspective can do; and what to do to achieve individual and collective success. The common people do not have nannies to watch over their children and they somehow balance their household budgets as the economy goes up and down. Discover what makes the United States great and play your part in reversing its decline by holding up old-fashioned common values.

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December 14, 2024

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