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Aqua Culture Aquarium Gravel Mix Neon Starry Night 5-Pound

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Product Name
Aqua Culture Aquarium Gravel Mix Neon Starry Night 5-Pound
Product Description

Create a beautiful and colorful atmosphere in your fish tank with the Aqua Culture Aquarium Gravel in Neon Starry Night. Gravel is an important part of every aquarium. It not only beautifies your underwater world but also provides a surface for the growth of beneficial bacteria which help to convert fish waste. Combining gravel with plants and decorations helps provide cover and hiding places will create a healthy and natural environment for your aquatic creatures. We recommend a depth of approximately two inches of gravel especially when used with an undergravel filter. For most aquariums this amounts to 1.5 to two pounds per gallon of capacity. Pair this bright gravel with some of our Aqua Culture Aquarium Plants and create a stunning atmosphere for all to enjoy. Treat your aquatic friends to a change of scenery with the Aqua Culture Aquarium Gravel in Neon Starry Night.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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