Product info
You have received an invitation to a special private party as the guest of Rock N. Roley famous rock star and former fellow classmate from Roley High Class of 54. Assume the role of one of these eight worldly characters (Calvin Q. Layder the certified genius Dierdre C. Deucer who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks Delbert Toydes the three-sport letterman Evelyn C. Leigh who never missed a chance to party Joseph K. Awledge the budding business executive Penny Lofer the hometown girl Priscilla E. Teene who had the class highest GPA and Richard C. Alcitrent the high school rebel). Imagine your home is a 1950 s malt shop in Roley City U.S.A. as you and your dinner guests enjoy hours of suspense and intrigue! All you need is a sense of humor and a light-hearted approach toward deceit larceny sex and murder.
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