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Cattleman s Cut Spicy Double Smoked Sausage Sticks 12oz Resealable Plastic Pouch

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Product Name
Cattleman s Cut Spicy Double Smoked Sausage Sticks 12oz Resealable Plastic Pouch
Product Description

Cattleman’s Cut® Spicy Double Smoked Pork Sausages are an epicurean delight a symphony of flavors that will awaken your taste buds. Our unique double-smoking method combines the deep authentic essence of real hardwood smoke with a tantalizing blend of hot and spicy ingredients creating a taste that s simply irresistible. To ensure your enjoyment remains uninterrupted our smartly designed resealable packaging preserves the smoky goodness guaranteeing a culinary experience that s fresh bold and unforgettable.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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