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Transnational Feminism in the United States: Knowledge Ethics Power (Paperback)

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Product Name
Transnational Feminism in the United States: Knowledge Ethics Power (Paperback)
Product Description

The acceleration of economic globalization and the rapid global flows of people culture and information have intensified the importance of developing transnational understandings of contemporary issues. Transnational feminist perspectives have provided a unique outlook on women s lives and have deepened our understanding of the gendered nature of global processes. Transnational Feminism in the United States examines how transnational perspectives shape the ways in which we create and disseminate knowledge about the world within the United States and how the paradigm of transnational feminism is affected by national narratives and public discourses within the country itself. An innovative theoretical project that is both deconstructive and constructive this bookinterrogates the limits of feminist thought primarily through case studies that illustrate its power to create new fields of research out of traditionally interdisciplinary lines of inquiry. Leela Fernandes discusses ways to approach analyze and capture processes that exceed and unsettle the nation-state within the transnational feminist paradigm. Examining the links between power and knowledge that bind interdisciplinary theory and research she shines new light on issues such as human rights as well as academic debates about transnational feminist perspectives on global issues. A thought-provoking analysis Transnational Feminism in the United States powerfully contributes to the field of Women s Studies and related cross-disciplinary scholarship on feminist theory and gender from a global perspective.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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