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In a Nutshell (O Reilly): Statistics in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (Paperback)

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In a Nutshell (O Reilly): Statistics in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (Paperback)
Product Description

Need to learn statistics for your job? Want help passing a statistics course? Statistics in a Nutshell is a clear and concise introduction and reference for anyone new to the subject. Thoroughly revised and expanded this edition helps you gain a solid understanding of statistics without the numbing complexity of many college texts. Each chapter presents easy-to-follow descriptions along with graphics formulas solved examples and hands-on exercises. If you want to perform common statistical analyses and learn a wide range of techniques without getting in over your head this is your book. Learn basic concepts of measurement and probability theory data management and research design Discover basic statistical procedures including correlation the t-test the chi-square and Fisherâ s exact tests and techniques for analyzing nonparametric data Learn advanced techniques based on the general linear model including ANOVA ANCOVA multiple linear regression and logistic regression Use and interpret statistics for business and quality improvement medical and public health and education and psychology Communicate with statistics and critique statistical information presented by others

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March 4, 2025

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