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Wastewater Reuse and Management (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Wastewater Reuse and Management (Hardcover)
Product Description

Over the past 50 years the volume of wastewater has grown exponentially as a result of the increasing world population and the expansion of industrial developments. Researchers all over the world have been trying to address this issue suitably in order to fight water scarcity; yet it is only recently that wastewater recycling has caught their attention as an effective and responsible solution. Wastewater is a resource that can be adequately treated to successfully satisfy most water demands as well as decreasing wastewater discharges and preventing pollution. This book presents the studies of some of the most prestigious international scientists and gathers them in three different sections: Wastewater Management and Reuse Wastewater Treatment options and Risk Assessment. The result is an insightful analysis of waste water management its treatments and the processes that have been studied optimized and developed so far to sustain our environment. Wastewater Reuse and Management represents a valuable resource to academic researchers students institutions environmentalists and anyone interested in environmental policies aimed at safeguarding both the quality and the quantity of water.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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