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LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter and Yavin Play Set

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Product Name
LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter and Yavin Play Set
Product Description

Jungle planet Yavin 4 is home to the headquarters of the Rebel Alliance. In Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope X-Wing Starfighters lead the attack against the Empire s Death Star Superweapon signaling the end of the Empire s evil rule. This LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter and Yavin Play set includes an accurate model of Yavin 4 an X-Wing pilot minifigure an X-Wing starfighter mini-model a weapon and a display stand with name plaque giving you almost everything you need to get started. This LEGO Star Wars Starfighter allows your child to lead the attack on the Death Star with the X-Wing allowing them to feel like they are part of the movie. This Lego X-Wing Star Fighter is durable for extended use. Please note that this LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter and Yavin Play Set includes 77 pieces and is intended for use by children 6 to 12 years of age.

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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