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Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics: The Handbook of Language and Speech Disorders (Paperback)

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Product Name
Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics: The Handbook of Language and Speech Disorders (Paperback)
Product Description

Through contributions from leading experts in the fields of communication science The Handbook of Speech and Language Disorders presents a comprehensive survey detailing the state of the art in speech language and cognitive/intellectual disorders. Provides the first in-depth exploration of the rapidly expanding field of communication disorders Examines the current debates landmark studies and central themes in the discipline including analytical methods and assessment Includes contributions from more than 20 leading scholars to provide an extraordinary breadth of coverage of this growing multi-disciplinary field Features a foundations section that deals with issues of central importance to all research in the field including social and practical considerations in classification and diversity genetic syndromes and principles of assessment and intervention

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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