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Pedialyte Electrolyte Solution Grape 8 bottles 1 liter each

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Product Name
Pedialyte Electrolyte Solution Grape 8 bottles 1 liter each
Product Description

Pedialyte Electrolyte Solution Drinks are designed for fast effective rehydration. Pedialyte Electrolyte Solution has 2x the electrolytes and 1/2 the sugar of the leading sports drink.* It’s also designed to replace fluids and electrolytes more effectively than common beverages including water sports drinks juice and soda. Enjoy great-tasting flavors from Pedialyte the #1 doctor-recommended brand in the U.S. for hydration; used by doctors and hospitals for over 50 years. * Featured Pedialyte products have at least 1030 mg sodium and no more than 25 g sugars per liter; leading sports drink has ~460 mg sodium and ~58 g sugars per liter

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Last updated
February 27, 2025

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