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Loving Nip: Navigating the Vampire Maze (Paperback)

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Product Name
Loving Nip: Navigating the Vampire Maze (Paperback)
Product Description

Stanton Thundler has been looking forward to the haunted hay maze ever since his coworker s boyfriend promised everyone tickets. When he gets there the place doesn t disappoint. He laughs screams and hollers with the rest of his buddies...until he lingers over a display too long takes a wrong turn and ends up separated from his friends. Stanton doesn t mean to bump into the slender hottie and knock him into a puddle of mud.Francois Toulouse is irritated when he s ordered to go to a coven near Amarillo and inspect their beef. The only thing he knows about cows is how to cook them so they taste amazing. Then he learns a seer has foreseen that he ll meet his beloved there. The human Fate chooses for him is not what he expects. Stanton is big brawny dirty and a polar opposite to Francois s fastidious tidiness and sophistication. Still Stanton was his beloved...To Stanton s surprise Francois asks him out. While he s flattered he declines. What would be the point when even Stanton can see they have nothing in common?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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