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Terro Fly Magnet Disposable Fly Trap

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Product Name
Terro Fly Magnet Disposable Fly Trap
Product Description

Flies are an ever-present nuisance around many homes in the summer months. With the TERRO Fly Magnet Disposable Fly Trap you can attract and trap a wide variety of flies that pester you outdoors including house flies blowflies bottle flies and barn flies. So how does it work? The bait lures the flies into the trap. They go in expecting a treat and find they are unable to leave. For your convenience the TERRO Fly Magnet Disposable Fly Trap is incredibly easy to use. Simply pull the string to open the trap and add warm water to the fill line. Add more water periodically to keep it at the fill line. Hang the trap on a tree branch or other suitable hanger. These traps are intended for outdoor use so you can draw flies away from your home before they can get inside. Hang in warm bright calm areas for the best results. Best of all the bait is non-toxic so it’s safe for use around children and pets when used as directed. TERRO Fly Magnet bait may take several hours before it becomes fully active. Once active the effectiveness will not diminish over time providing optimum fly control. When the trap is full it can be disposed of cleanly. Just align the lid posts with the holes on the trap and press together to seal. Then place the trap in the trash to discard. It’s that convenient and easy!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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