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Those who believe Europe to be weak and ineffectual are wrong. Turning conventional wisdom on its head Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century sets out a vision for a century in which Europe will dominate not America. This is the book that will make your mind up about Europe. Those who believe Europe is weak and ineffectual are wrong. Turning conventional wisdom on its head Mark Leonard one of the UK s most visionary thinkers argues that Europe is remaking the world in its own image. Europe only looks dead because it is seen through American eyes. But America s reach is shallow and narrow. It can bribe bully or impose its will anywhere in the world but when its back is turned its potency wanes. Europe s reach is broad and deep spreading its values from Albania to Zambia. It brings other countries into its orbit rather than defining itself against them and once countries come under the influence of its laws and customs they are changed for ever. This book sets up a challenge: to regard Europe not as a tangle of bureaucracy and regulation but as a revolutionary model for the future. We cannot afford to forget that Europe was founded to protect us against war and that it is now key to the spread of democracy. Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century addresses Europe s place in the world looks to the past and the future and argues provocatively that it can and will shape a new and better world order.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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