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Lost Teachings of Jesus: Mysteries of the Higher Self (Paperback)

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Lost Teachings of Jesus: Mysteries of the Higher Self (Paperback)
Product Description

Unmistakable evidence that many of Jesus teachings were altered deleted or never recorded In their classic series The Lost Teachings of Jesus Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet prove that many of Jesus original teachings are missing. They show that the New Testament records only a fragment of what Jesus taught. That what was written down was tampered with by numerous editors or suppressed by guardians of the faith. And that some of what was recorded has been misinterpreted to this day. The authors fill in the gaps with a bold reconstruction of the essence of Jesus message. They unfold the lost teachings Jesus gave in public to the multitudes and in secret to his closest disciples. In modern vernacular they offer a unique blend of the mystical and the practical that goes beyond the orthodox view of Jesus to discover his original message. And they answer questions that have puzzled readers of the Bible for centuries.

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Last updated
February 22, 2025

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