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Advanced ACT Math: Essential if Seeking a Top Score (Paperback)

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Product Name
Advanced ACT Math: Essential if Seeking a Top Score (Paperback)
Product Description

Essential for students seeking top math ACT results By far the most challenging and comprehensive math ACT book. Covers almost every sort of problem likely to appear on the harder 2021 exam. Key features include: 700+ unique problems with step-by-step solutions. Problems arranged by topic and difficulty. Detailed coverage not available elsewhere of advanced topics likely to appear on current exams Exceptionally challenging practice problems. Multiple solutions and unconventional problem-solving techniques. This interesting unique and valuable resource will attract and intrigue tutors parents and students; and help students take their math and test-taking skills to a new level. Essential for libraries and bookstores seeking to offer top-level books to their clientele. Do not miss out on this advanced resource which students and tutors will be looking for. Order today your future top seller!

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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