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Anatomy Lab Miniature 35 Skeleton with Nerves Veins and Arteries

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Product Name
Anatomy Lab Miniature 35 Skeleton with Nerves Veins and Arteries
Product Description

Overview The Anatomy Lab Miniature Human Skeleton with Nerves Veins and Arteries is a half-size human skeleton standing under 3 feet tall. It is mounted at its pelvis on a white stand and can be removed for closer examination. All bones are individually cast (except for the hands and feet) and wired together to show the natural movement of the skeleton. The left side of the skeleton has representations of the nerves veins arteries and ligaments of the human body which do limit the range of motion on that side. The skull cap is detachable and inside is an opaque white molded brain that can be removed. The attached heart inside the chest cavity is a nice additional feature to understanding the vascular system. Made by The Anatomy Lab and backed by a 3 year warranty. Features Compact Size great for desktops Representation of nerves veins arteries and ligaments Specifications Dimensions: 8in x 6in x 33.25in Weight: 3.75lbs Components 1 miniature skeleton

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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