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Pre-Owned - Dwell (Audiobook)

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Product Name
Pre-Owned - Dwell (Audiobook)
Product Description

David and Nicole Binion have been serving the Church for two decades leading worship writing recording (Sand & Stars Take Heart Kingdom The Sound Of Heaven) and teaching. After a 10-year season as worship pastors at Covenant Church in Dallas the couple felt God reawakening a long-held vision to raise up and mentor a new generation of worshipers and worship leaders. Launching Dwell Ministries last year David and Nicole now host Dwell nights across the US. The couple also hosts TBNs flagship Praise! program and it is with TBN that they are recording their first Dwell album featuring special guests William McDowell Tasha Cobbs Leonard BJ Putnam and their daughter and fellow Integrity recording artist MDSN. GTIN 768715628

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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