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7.5 ft. Pre Lit Clear Incandescent Narrowed Flocked Pencil Pine

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Product Name
7.5 ft. Pre Lit Clear Incandescent Narrowed Flocked Pencil Pine
Product Description

Sterling Ease into the holidays with this awe-inspiring pre-lit artificial narrow flocked pencil Pine Christmas tree so realistic it could fool your gardener! A towering 7.5-feet high with that classic pine body and a shapely base diameter of 42-inches this stunning Alpine comes with 450 clear incandescent bulbs to add a warm hearth-and-home glow but without the mess and fire dangers of a live-cut tree. Safe fire-resistant needles provide an amazing 830 Alpine branch tips to put your favorite ornaments on display. It’s an eye-catching centerpiece providing the cheer to make your holidays a lasting memory. Comes with a 21-inch diameter sturdy four-prong stand for safety and stability.

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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