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Bird B Gone Woodpecker Deterrent Kit with Roll of Flash Tape and Scare Balloon

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Product Name
Bird B Gone Woodpecker Deterrent Kit with Roll of Flash Tape and Scare Balloon
Product Description

Bird G Gone Woodpecker Deterrent Kit contains visual deterrents used to deter woodpeckers from homes and structures. Visual bird deterrents appeal to a bird s sight and sense of danger. When the woodpecker sees the bird deterrents they will become confused or frightened and want to avoid the treated area. Each kit contains one roll of Flash Tape one Scare Balloon and brackets for hanging. The Flash Tape and Scare Balloon have shiny reflective features that will frighten birds from the area. Once woodpeckers have moved on and established a new territory the woodpecker deterrents can be removed and stored for the next season. Visual bird deterrents should be hung right in front of the area where the woodpeckers are pecking.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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