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Search for the Camino Real : A History of San Blas and the Road to Get There - Paperback

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Search for the Camino Real : A History of San Blas and the Road to Get There - Paperback
Product Description

Both historical investigation and travelogue this documented study of the end of the Camino Real and San Blas Mexico is woven into the author s personal account of the search for remnants of Mexico s colonial road in the lowlands and sierras of modern Nayarit aided and accompanied in his excursions by various regional historians local guides and curious companions. And like the old road running through the contemporary landscape the historical narrative merges into the story of the region s modern character and development. To explore the Nayarit s wild and gorgeous geography trying to site the ancient Camino Real is to stumble over another road running toward the state s future economic development as part of the Mexican Riviera. Nearly five hundred years after the Spanish conquest of Mexico the history of San Blas and the road to get there is still being written. This is a contemporary narrative portrait. Maps photos footnotes and annotated bibliography.

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December 11, 2024

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