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Bicycle Conflict Playing Cards by Collectable Playing Cards

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Bicycle Conflict Playing Cards by Collectable Playing Cards
Product Description

The Bicycle Conflict Playing Cards design has a broad meaning. It does not solely represent a crude specific battle or clash with swords between two or more subjects. Instead its graphic represents a personal inner conflict that we all must deal with in life. Decisions we make growing up and later in life developing our own character simple things such as... when I pass by my neighbor (who might not have a kind and warm personality) do I smile and say hello anyway? Or do I pretend not to see him? Should I be as rude or unpleasant towards him as he is to me? The Bicycle Conflict Playing Cards reminds us of the complex and serious aspects that we encounter in life - events that require more tough decisions conflicts we have to resolve the philosophical and psychological battles we must fight within ourselves with our own personality. Do we take or do we give? And more. Printed by USPCC Bicycle Branded Custom Pips Air-Cushion Finish Custom Seal ...

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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