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K&Co Sticker Dimensional Splish Splash

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Product Name
K&Co Sticker Dimensional Splish Splash
Product Description

You ll find a whole new world open up when you discover K&Company stickers. With so many different kinds from which to choose die-cut to embossed glitter to vellum even felt and more you won t know where to start! Or stop for that matter. Because each kind has so many styles many matching the various design collections. It s no wonder that K&Company stickers have become a staple in the scrapbooking industry. Dimensional Splish Splash- Each package has 1 sheet that is approximately 3 3/4 x 4 1/4 . Each sheet is filled with 20 stickers that include fish bubbles shells starfish and a caption of Splish Splash. They vary in size from approximately 1/4 to 1 3/4 .

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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