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Hazelden Meditations: A Life of My Own : Meditations on Hope and Acceptance (Paperback)

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Product Name
Hazelden Meditations: A Life of My Own : Meditations on Hope and Acceptance (Paperback)
Product Description

As part of the incomparable Hazelden Meditations series the daily readings in A Life of My Own ask us to truly reflect on our relationships with people in our lives who are dealing with alcoholism or other substance use and addiction--and more importantly to establish and improve a relationship with ourselves. When we love people who use or abuse alcohol and other drugs we can get so wrapped up in trying to understand and fix the addiction problem. It is easy to lose sight of ourselves and stop living our own lives. Designed for personal growth this collection of readings by beloved recovery author Karen Casey inspires readers to invest in themselves again by addressing the feelings of desperation and frustration at the core of codependency. With the wisdom of Twelve Step principles relatable anecdotes and helpful recovery insights readers can build a daily practice of reflection inspiration healing and meditation. The simple straightforward quotations and affirmations in A Life of My Own offer the strength and courage we all need for true freedom. Encouraging you to connect with your spiritual and emotional health--as well as build self-esteem serenity and acceptance--Casey reflects on the type of healing that helps us return to living.

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March 4, 2025

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