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How to Analyse Texts: A Toolkit for Students of English (Paperback)

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How to Analyse Texts: A Toolkit for Students of English (Paperback)
Product Description

How to Analyse Texts is the essential introductory textbook and toolkit for language analysis. This book shows the reader how to undertake detailed language-focussed contextually sensitive analyses of a wide range of texts - spoken written and multimodal. The book constitutes a flexible resource which can be used in different ways across a range of courses and at different levels. This textbook includes: three parts covering research and study skills language structure and use and how texts operate in sociocultural contexts a wide range of international real-life texts including items from South China Morning Post art otel Berlin and Metro Sweden which cover digital and print media advertising recipes and much more objectives and skill review for each section activities commentaries suggestions for independent assignments and an analysis checklist for students to follow a combined glossary and index and a comprehensive further reading section a companion website at with further links and exercises for students. Written by two experienced teachers of English Language How to Analyse Texts is key reading for all students of English language and linguistics.

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March 4, 2025

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