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Cocomelon Dancing and Singing RC Radio Control Vehicles

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Product Name
Cocomelon Dancing and Singing RC Radio Control Vehicles
Product Description

The Dance and Sing CoComelon is a new RC inspired by the beloved educational series for young children. This charming vehicle radiates personality and will dance and sing to your favorite CoComelon songs at the simple touch of a button. The large adorable watermelon shape is designed in the image of the iconic CoComelon logo. The RC s innovative form factor highlights a light up face plays the instantly recognizable theme song and a variety of nursery rhymes and songs from the series. In addition to moving forward and backward little hands can make CoComelon jump bounce dance and spin. Press the ladybug to hear the popular theme song. The simple to use watermelon controller aids early motor skills and features numbers that allow teaching moments.

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Last updated
February 28, 2025

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