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Augason Farms Regular Rolled Oats Emergency Food Storage 10 Pound Pail

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Product Name
Augason Farms Regular Rolled Oats Emergency Food Storage 10 Pound Pail
Product Description

The Augason Farms Regular Rolled Oats make for a good hot or cold cereal that gives long lasting energy and can also be readily added to many recipes. Oats are definitely a versatile item to keep in your food storage. The Regular Rolled Oats are contained in a 4-gallon watertight pail including 108 servings and 17,280 total calories. Augason Farms products are an excellent choice for food storage, emergencies, survival, camping and everyday use! Family owned and operated since 1972, Augason Farms believes that great taste is a tradition worth preserving. Crafted with a focus on taste and nutrition, their products are manufactured to the highest standards. Whether enjoying Augason Farm?s products for everyday meals, as an emergency food supply, or years down the road, you can be confident that Augason Farm?s long-term food storage products are guaranteed for quality and taste every time. Make the wise decision and let Augason Farms? food essentials give you a peace of mind that's as indispensable as it is delicious. *Product good for up to 30 years when unopened. Best when stored in a cool, dry and dark place at temperatures between 55°F and 70°F. Actual shelf life may vary based on individual storage conditions. Please remove and discard oxygen absorber after opening.

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Last updated
February 10, 2025

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