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Joovy Kooper RS Lightweight Single Travel Stroller Black

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Product Name
Joovy Kooper RS Lightweight Single Travel Stroller Black
Product Description

We adore travel strollers because they’re lightweight and compact. The Kooper RS is no exception. But what we love about this stroller is its maneuverability. At Joovy we like to turn ideas on their heads making the best possible products we can. With our Kooper RS stroller we’ve taken a traditional travel stroller and beefed up the wheels added a water-repellent canopy and made it possible to fold down with just one hand. In short it’s the perfect stroller for long winding walks or quick trips to the mall. Designed with large 9” rear and 7” front wheels the push is smooth weightless and dare we say – enjoyable!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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