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Clear Ballistics Joe Fit 10% Ballistics Gelatin Life Size Male Torso Anatomy Model

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Product Name
Clear Ballistics Joe Fit 10% Ballistics Gelatin Life Size Male Torso Anatomy Model
Product Description

Joe Fit is perfect for all types of testing with any ammunition weapons personal armor shields or any other protection equipment. Joe Fit will also allow you to test all types of shrapnel penetrations. This torso will give you the insight to ballistic data that you could never achieve from standard ballistic gelatin due to its physical limitations. Not only will you be able to gain standard terminal ballistics data you can now get penetrating and non-penetrating ballistic data from the same device at the same time. After preforming all your tests you can take Joe Fit back to the lab and really analyze all of his wounds which is impossible with traditional gelatin. Joe Fit is three dimensional on the front and both sides and his back is completely flat. Joe Fit sits vertical or lies horizontal for all types of testing. Joe Fit measures from top to bottom 20 inches in height 9 inches front to back and his shoulders are the widest part of his body measuring 18 inches wide from the outer most edges. He has a rectangular base near his hips that measures 9 inches from front to back by 4 inches in height by 11 inches in from hip to hip. He weighs 60 pounds. Joes sides contour to the familiar V-shape of an athlete. Joes arms are just long enough to provide as placeholders for all types of tactical vest but not too long to be cumbersome to get equipment on and off quickly. Joes neck is two inches in height to help anchor all equipment at the top.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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