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The Wyrmeweald Trilogy: Bloodhoney (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Wyrmeweald Trilogy: Bloodhoney (Paperback)
Product Description

From the creators of the Edge Chronicles comes the second installment in the fantastic tale of Wyrmeweald! Winter is a dangerous time in the wyrmeweald. Once a magnificent wilderness the home of the dragon-like wyrmes has become an icy wasteland. Brutal battles rage between the evil kith intent on ravaging all that they can and the wyrme-friendly kin. Young Micah is safe in a winter den sheltered from the intense cold with kin Eli and the beautiful dangerous wryme-rider Thrace. Thrace aches to leave the den and fly through the skies on her whitewyrme but Micah knows they are safer indoors. Meanwhile a brutal assassin approaches fueled by the invigorating liquor known as bloodhoney and seeking vengeance. Micah and his friends are being hunted—and nowhere in the wyrmeweald is truly safe.

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Last updated
December 6, 2024

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